Welcome to Hyggebygge!

Hi, I’m Björn. A couple of years ago I found some boxes of LEGO pieces in my parents’ basement. At more than 8 kilograms in total, it seemed to be all the LEGO from my childhood, neatly sorted by colour. I hadn’t touched it since I entered my dark ages in the ’90s, but I never sorted my bricks by colour back then.
Next to those boxes I found my old instruction booklets, in varying conditions but still! This treasure being safely passed from young me to grown-up me is all thanks to my dear parents who encouraged me to keep my LEGO instructions organised.
I soon found out that it was my younger sisters who had sorted my LEGO by colour after I had moved out. They must also have added a few sets of their own to the collection as I noticed some pieces I couldn’t remember ever owning myself. There are also some really old pieces that my father had when he was a kid.

Around that time the LEGO Ideas Saturn V rocket was released and it quickly ushered me out of my dark ages. I bought and built the Saturn V with my partner (who is also a space fan), and soon after we got the Parisian Restaurant, our first taste of the modular buildings.
Some months later I visited my parents again and this time I carefully packed and brought all the pieces and instructions home with me. I felt the urge to do something with this opportunity, I wanted to build the old sets again, and I wanted to share that experience. I thought I’d better start a blog, and here it is; I call it Hyggebygge.
I invite you to follow along as I rebuild around fifty LEGO sets from my childhood and youth. I’m planning to start from the end, with sets released in the early ’90s, then working my way back to 1978—the year before I was born. This will take some time, a few years I’d guess, and it will be lots of fun!