#6831 Message Decoder / Space Police Patrol
After just two builds of sets from the ’90s, we’re now stepping back into the ’80s, the main period of sets on this blog, with #6831 Message Decoder—also called Space Police Patrol.
This set was released in 1989 along with the other five sets in the original Space Police theme. I probably received it as a gift that year or the year after, as I’ve at least spotted it in a blurry photo taken in the autumn of ’90.

It’s a small build of 23 pieces and one Space Police minifigure, so there’s no bad guy to chase! But don’t worry, you’ll find that the next build on this blog will include one, and also my friends had more, so there was no shortage!

The base for the vehicle is a simple build based on a 2x10 plate, but note that the front mudguards are placed slightly higher than the back ones…

…which allows for that classic slight forward slope of the vehicle with the back wheels distanced from the base by the height one plate. I remember often building my own vehicles like that as a kid.

The "decoder" antennas can be raised, presumably for receiving messages, but of course with the alternate name of the set in mind, this could just as well represent some kind of energy weapon!
I don't remember playing much with this set, I guess it was just so much smaller and less swooshable next to the other LEGO space sets I had. I think I appreciate the simplicity of the build a lot more now as an adult. The Message Decoder looks impressively advanced for just 23 pieces!
The next build here on Hyggebygge will be the other Space Police set I had. I’ve already prepared the two space police and single Blacktron minifigures for it, let’s hope I find all the other pieces!