#6634 Stock Car
Next up is #6634 Stock Car, released in 1986. I probably got this set in the autumn of ’87, but I don’t know on what occasion or from whom, it must have been before my birthday that year.
I still have all the pieces for this set, albeit a couple of the stickers have been lost and the remaining ones are in pretty bad shape. Fortunately I can place both sticker-less pieces on the same side of the car, and take pictures from the other side pretending it’s complete…
Replacement stickers are available from Brickstickershop, but to me it’s not really worth the effort, I’m happy displaying it from one side only!
As expected for a small vehicle like this, the build is not very complicated. But the instructions are nevertheless split into nine numbered steps, following the common separate instruction for how to assemble the minifigure.
The first numbered step is actually just placing the red vehicle base piece upside down in preparation for adding the yellow skirts and the plate raising the back section in the second step. As per usual I didn’t bother to remove the wheels from the wheelbases before starting the build.
The details that set this set apart from most other 4-stud wide cars of the era is the raised back and the extra headlights, making for a sporty look. I remember incorporating both these features into my own car designs, inspired by this set.
In the last step we add three stickers to each side of the car. The number 16 on the door, a Shell logo on the 1x1 brick behind it, and a very narrow sticker with the Shell company name in red on a white 1x2 plate just above the rear mudguards.
Here we have the completed set from an angle showing the missing stickers. I really wonder why younger me peeled off the number 16 from just one of the doors and not the other. I was definately not known for creating unsymmetrical cars with just one door… Perhaps I used several white right doors stacked on top of each other for some kind of storage space in a building, so I had to sacrifice the sticker?
The alternative build from the booklet is not very inspiring in my opinion. The flatbed truck probably looks rather weird with the hatch in the back in an upright position. Also, the white color scheme seems unfitting for a maintenance vehicle and I don’t think I ever built it. Come to think of it you’d also need to peel off the stickers from the 1x2 plates, as those pieces can’t be rotated to hide the stickers from view.
Anyway, the main build is a simple but good rendition of a rally car, and even if I probably just built it once or twice, it certainly inspired my building techniques when I was young!